The Benefits of Snacking As You Age

Though good nutrition is encouraged throughout all lifespans, a wholesome diet can make a large difference and impression on health as the body ages. Not only can well-balanced meals and snacks improve how the body feels, but encourages a greater overall sense of well-being. From ensuring adequate nutrient intake to increasing energy levels, the benefits of senior snacking are innumerable and invaluable!

Benefits of Healthy Snacking

Controls Appetite

Though slight appetite loss is considered somewhat normal during aging, some seniors may face heightened hunger pangs related to uncontrolled diabetes, psychological stress, hormone fluctuations, medication changes, and other factors. A healthy snack consisting of protein and fiber can help induce satiety to subsequently control appetite. Suitable and convenient snack combos include hummus and cucumber slices, peanut butter and bananas, Greek yogurt and blueberries, and tuna and whole grain crackers.

Helps Ensure Adequate Nutrients

Senior snacking can help ensure adequate nutrients in the day, especially if appetite is low. While balanced nutrition is important, nutrients baring high attention in a senior diet include protein, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, potassium, vitamins D and B12. Consuming the foods that contain such nutrients can limit the risk of nutritional deficiencies and optimize health.

Weight Management

Along with ensuring adequate nutrient needs, well-balanced diets and snacks can help manage weight and preserve lean muscle mass. Weight management can in turn control or reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, hypertension, and diabetes.

Increases Energy

While seniors may be invited to a daily afternoon nap, some days may be filled with other obligations and activities. But rather than gravitating to sugar-laden treats to induce that so-called “sugar high”, eating a well-balanced snack can increase energy levels to keep seniors alert and active throughout the day.

Enhances Cognitive Functions

Senior snacking can enhance and improve cognitive functions. In fact, these foods have shown to benefit brain health and enhance memory, including the intake of peppermint, walnuts, oats, and tuna.

Social Bonding

In addition to the nutritional value of snacking, seniors can also benefit from social bonding. Social interactions are important throughout all lifespans and can help seniors stay active and keep energized, as isolation poses the risk of depression and even malnutrition. And since food is often apart of such gatherings, snacks can nurture social connections and bonds!

Senior Nutrition

To optimize senior nutrition, look no further than Silver Cuisine. Created with individuals aged 50 years and older in mind, Silver Cuisine’s team of chefs and nutrition experts craft delicious and nutritionally-adequate meals to meet the needs of their consumers. Seniors also have the ability to select from a number of specialty diets, including heart healthy, diabetic, low-sodium, and gluten-free options. And along with receiving well-balanced meals delivered straight doorsteps, seniors can take advantage of EATS, or essential and tasty snacks. From cookies and protein bars to savory and salt crisps, snack options are endless. Experience the freedom and peace of mind knowing that you or your loved one is eating healthy and delicious, doctor-designed, chef-prepared meals! Find more information on Silver Cuisine by visiting the official website here or calling 844-404-FOOD (3663).